Page 193 - GUIA JAMON
P. 193


           AND THE BASS DRUM

               It was Luis Buñuel, the famous filmmaker,
               who  cried  out  to  all quarters  his  pas-
               sion for the sound of the drums and the
               bass drums, which have today given so
               much fame to the territory. The Route of    TOWN HALL OF HÍJAR
               the Drum and the Bass Drum formed by         Plaza España, 13.
               nine villages: Albalate del Arzobispo, Al-     44530 - Híjar
               cañiz, Alcorisa, Andorra, Calanda, Híjar,     Tel. 978 820 000
               La Puebla de Híjar, Samper de Calanda 
               and Urrea de Gaén (five of them belon-
               ging to the Region of Bajo Martín) each
               year bring together thousands  of visi-
               tors who want to enjoy this overwhelming
               sound which floods the corners of each
               of the villages and have meant that the                                  DISCOVER TERUEL
               Holy Week of Híjar has been declared to
               be of International Tourist Interest.


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