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           SIERRA DE ARCOS

           REGION                                 It is obligatory to visit the capital Ando-

                                                  rra, which has been able to take maxi-
                                                  mum advantage from the loss of indus-
                                                  trial  operations, in order to become  a
                                                  tourist resource  thanks to the MWINAS
                                                  Park,  as  well as  its  traditions and  festi-
                                                  vals  such  as  Holy  Week  which  are  visi-
                                                  ted by thousands of visitors each year.
                                                  Outstanding among its monuments is the
                                                  Monastery of el Olivar, in Estercuel which
                                                  was  the  refuge  and  inspiration  of per-
             If you are looking for               sonages  such  as  Tirso  de Molina, and,
             tranquillity, infinite               still  standing, it houses  treasures  of the
             walks, and rocky                     epoch of its construction. Not far off, in
             landscapes and                       Oliete, a trip of a few kilometres will re-
             forgetting about the                 veal the Abyss of San Pedro, an impres-
             bustle of the large                  sive  geomorphological  formation where
                                                  the end seems impossible to find. In order
             cities, the Andorra                  to complete  the  trip,  we  will  visit  Ariño,
             Sierra de Arcos Region               with natural water springs which flow from
             is the ideal place.                  the banks of the River Martín and which

                                                  will be the final touch to our trip through
             With a clear mining tradition, the Region   the Region.
             is located in the centre of the province
             with nine villages in perfect harmony in-
             volving tranquillity, historical culture and   MORE INFORMATION:
             popular architecture.                COUNTY HEADQUARTER:
                                                  Tourist Office of
           DISCOVER TERUEL                        Paseo de las Minas, s/n
                                                  Andorra-Sierra de Arcos

                                                  44500 Andorra (Teruel)
                                                  Tel. 978 880 927

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