Page 128 - GUIA JAMON
P. 128
We must not
forget Mora de
Rubielos which
will surprise us
with its impressi-
ve castle.
The traveller can enjoy a However, the region is outstanding owing
rich cultural, gastronomic to its rich gastronomy, which includes
and astronomic heritage the Teruel Denomination of Origin ham,
the sausages and especially the fa-
because here we “touch mous Black Truffle, the leading symbol of
the stars”. the Region, and which can be enjoyed
between the months of December and
Thanks to its extensive network of pa- March. Destination Starlight, the region of
thways, we can enjoy the Sierras de Gú- Gúdar Javalambre has one of the best
dar and Javalambre, where the two ski skies in Spain thanks to its height and the
slopes of Valdelinares and Javalambre scarce light contamination. Nevertheless,
are located and have all the services if you wish to know more, you only have
for enthusiasts of this sport. Its rich cultu- to go to the Astrophysical Observatory
ral and artistic heritage includes among located in Javalambre.
its localities, two of the prettiest towns
of Spain: Rubielos de Mora and Puer- MORE INFORMATION:
DISCOVER TERUEL quarter which invites the visitor to spend C/ La Comarca, s/n
tomingalvo, with a conserved historical
the night and enjoy a pleasant stay.
Mora de Rubielos, Teruel 44400
Teléfono: 978 80 00 08
GUIA JAMON.indb 128 24/7/17 17:34